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Supporting Initiatives

Faculty Research Enhancers ​

Faculty Research Series, Boot Camps, and Intensive Research Days: Faculty are encouraged and provided opportunities to engage in research - discipline knowledge and discipline-teaching knowledge.

A multifaceted approach is used which includes review of a different research principle every other week, as part of the Faculty Research Series; a Boot Camp each semester where interested faculty are housed in one location for three days and two nights; and an Intensive Research Day once a month, in a secluded space on campus. Faculty who participate report great success in accomplishing the research benchmarks they have set for themselves.

Provost Research Mini-Grants​

Every November, a call will go out soliciting faculty applications for the Provost’s mini research grant worth $1500 for each study. Applications are reviewed in January and in February, recipients are notified. All recipients are required to share results or emerging outcomes in subsequent November at Leonard House (the Provost’s house). This pioneer year, a total of 5 Provost mini grants were awarded at approximately $6,300.

Research Interns and Creatives ​

The Research Internship Non-Major Elective (RINE) is intended to become a cornerstone of the Ashesi experience, designed to involve Ashesi students more deeply in the budding/emerging research life of the University.

The elective provides opportunities for students to work on research work that they are passionate about with a faculty or staff mentor, or work with a faculty or staff on their research as a co-researcher to produce master’s level research work which can be published.

The students will also deepen their knowledge and skills in areas of special interest, while experiencing what it means to be part of an intellectual community engaged in research, scholarship, and innovation.​

Grants Awarded

  • With funding from USAID, the Ashesi D-Lab in collaboration with MIT D-Lab started NEXTi2i: New Entrepreneurs Xchange for Transformation: Idea to Impact project (NEXTi2i). The purpose of this collaboration is to create a values-driven incubator that trains emerging entrepreneurs with the focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, (SDG)-driven outcomes in their business models. Dr. Gordon Adomdza is the Primary Investigator of the grant of US$1,000,000

Submitted over 20 grants and sponsored program applications, totaling approximately $453,000.00 in grants. The following provides details of the grant amounts awarded to faculty during this period:

  • Dr. Elena Rosca & Dr. Danyuo Yiporo applied for the Seeding Lab Instrumental Grant and were awarded equipment worth USD 155,000.00.
  • To support the Data Science Africa Conference, organized by the CSIS and ENG department, organizations donated as follows: Facebook $10,000.00; Google $15,000.00; ARM $5,000.00; and Rancard Solutions GHS5,000.00.​
  • Dr. Sena Agbodjah Agyepong and Dr. Gordon Adomdza obtained a sub-award of $16,901.00 to develop content in entrepreneurship for the Baobab Scholars Community Platform sponsored by the MasterCard Foundation.​