Embracing Inclusivity and Universal Design at Ashesi

The Office of Diversity and International Programs (ODIP) at Ashesi University is responsible for supporting international students as they integrate into the Ashesi culture. Additionally, the ODIP creates campus-wide awareness of the need for inclusivity and universal design for differently abled students. Beginning 2023, Ashesi University ensured that 4% of its faculty, staff and student body were differently abled individuals to reflect the national population statistic.

Ashesi provides several support services for differently abled persons with various disabilities including:

  1. Dedicating an office with a senior university management officer who coordinates all the activities and support for persons with disabilities
  2. Providing Sign Language Interpreters for persons who are hard of hearing and personal mobility aids for persons with physical mobility challenges
  3. Providing various Assistive Technologies and devices for students with various disabilities.
  4. Establishing a structured system for requesting for reasonable accommodations
  5. Providing continuous counseling and medical support for persons with disabilities
  6. Providing training and sensitization across the university on inclusive practices for persons with disabilities and special needs
  7. Conducting a First- Year Orientation program which includes:
    1. medical screening, and sessions for all students to raise awareness on where to access support.Please see more information here
    2. customized training for persons with disabilities on the use of assistive technologies to support
    3. Enhancement of their use of institutional facilities to improve their experience

Our institution provide accessible facilities for people with physical disabilities and limited mobility, across all university buildings including dormitories and classrooms. Evidence of Ashesi’s commitment to creating an environment that is inherently accessible to all includes:

  1. strategic placement of ramps throughout the campus, ensuring easy mobility for individuals of all physical abilities.
  2. accessible bathrooms tailored to the specific needs of persons living with disabilities,
  3. empwerment of its community with the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to cultivate a deep understanding and appreciation for the needs of all individuals through campus-wide workshops.